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Laser Hot Hits International

The Shortwave Legend > 1990 - 2025. Celebrating 35 years of shortwave free radio

GMT / UTC World Time

Laser Hot Hits Schedule / UK Time - (subject to change)


12pm - 2pm Dave Simpson

2pm - 3pm Tony Johnson

3pm - 5pm D.J. Mandy

5pm - 7pm Martin & Wendy Leech

7pm - 9pm Stewart Ross  

9pm - 11pm Mike Andrews



9am - 11am Martin Leech - The Mid Morning Show

7pm - 9pm Rob Walker - A Better Music Mix



5pm  - 6pm Thuen van der Straat Music Sweep

6pm - 9pm Peter Bakker



9am - 11 am Peter Bakker Breakfast and Coffee Show

7pm - 9pm Rob Walker - A Better Music Mix



7pm - 9pm Jim Richman



9am - 11am Peter Bakker Breakfast and Coffee Show 

4pm - 6pm Pete Forsyth

6pm - 8pm Nigel James


(Non-Stop Music at all other times)

Shows and times may change when circumstances dictate. Full DJ profiles can be found on our jocks page.